6 06, 2021

SECRETS 262 Why A Data Driven e-Commerce Strategy Is Critical To Your Success – AMZ Advisers With Mike Begg

By |2021-09-27T19:44:35-06:00June 6th, 2021|Brand Engagement, Podcast, Video|

AMZ Advisers Amazon Checklist, click here to download 

3 01, 2019

SECRETS 103 Jeff Cohen With Seller Labs, Amazon Success Strategies

By |2021-09-25T19:57:35-06:00January 3rd, 2019|Podcast, Sales Funnel Magnification|

Your brand needs to be available where people shop. That includes online. Effective online strategies can also drive incremental sales in traditional stores. Amazon propels brand growth. The right strategy can add rocket fuel to your sales and profits. Welcome. I want to begin by saying Happy New Year. I hope [...]

22 11, 2017

SECRETS 15 Jeff Bezos – Whole Foods Magazine Person Of The Year, The Future Of Natural

By |2021-04-11T09:35:36-06:00November 22nd, 2017|Brand Engagement, Podcast|

There is a seismic shift in natural. “Amazon is propelling everyone in the industry to up their game a lot faster & innovate to get better”. Natural brands and retailers need to compete at a higher level to remain relevant and grow shopper loyalty Welcome. Today I have a great story [...]



Promotion Efficiency Calculator - How effective is your trade spending?

Hover over the question marks below:

What could you do with the additional $$,$$$?

Now, let’s give you the tools and resources to make this a reality!

Promotion Analysis Tool Lite (Trade Promotion ROI Calculator)

Event Detail

Trade Spending



* Save each scenario to compare pre-event to actual event performance. Run as many different scenarios as you want. The goal is to reduce costs and maximize longterm sales. Look for opportunities to improve promotion performance. Refresh the screen to create another scenario. Make sure to respond immediately to my email confirmation (if you don't see it, double check your junk or spam folder). Privacy Policy: We hate spam & promise to never share your email.
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