Category reviews are expected by most retailers. They are one of the most underutilized opportunities to differentiate your brand and explode sales. It begins with a collaborative retailer brand relationship/partnership. 

Retailers want and need actionable insights that increase sales, shopper traffic, and give them a distinct competitive advantage. They want collaborative strategic partnerships with brands willing and able to help them grow sales and profits. Big retailers and brands rely heavily on these strategies – so should you.   

Retailers are inundated with brands sharing similar canned topline information. This does little if anything to differentiate them from their competitors and help them remain relevant.

Most retailers work hard to re-acquire the same customer again and again. 

Competition is intense and retailers have to fight for every sale. They need your help if they hope to convert occasional customers into loyal shoppers. Shoppers have virtually unlimited choices when it comes to where they shop and spend their hard earned money.

There are several reasons retailers urge, and even demand, brands not to stray from their category review template. I discuss this and how to become a trusted and respected retailer partner more in-depth on podcast episode 134 (SECRETS 134 Category Review Strategies To Grow Sales And Profits With Daniel Lohman From Brand Secrets And Strategies), My Brand Secrets And Strategies YouTube channel, in the mini-course Category Review Strategies To Grow Sales And Profits, and my articles. 

I’ve successfully used category reviews to help retailers drive sustainable sales by leveraging the strength of the unique shopper my brand attracts. If you help them achieve their objectives they will frequently help you achieve your sales goals. Savvy retailers might even reward you with increased distribution, preferential merchandising, incremental promotions, and much more. It’s worked for me and it can work for you. 

Empowering Brands | Raising The Bar

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