Brand Engagement

Shoppers can’t buy with they can’t find! Not having your core products available where consumers shop dilutes your brand and exposes it to being delisted, confuses shoppers, and reduces your promotional effectiveness. Understand your brand’s key performance indicators (KPI’s) to avoid cannibalizing your own brand’s success.  A compelling assortment is critical to your brand’s overall health.

22 05, 2019

Your Branding Must Convey Your Promise And Commitment To Excellence

By |2020-08-10T20:06:09-06:00May 22nd, 2019|Brand Engagement, Tip Of The Week|

Think of your brand as a blank canvas. What do you what your current and future shoppers to see when they look at it? Does your brand personify all the things you think it should? Does it have a clear and compelling message that is memorable? If not, then this week’s tip and podcast [...]

21 05, 2019

SECRETS 127 Fred Hart With Interact Boulder, Your Branding Must Convey Your Promise & Commitment To Excellence

By |2021-09-25T19:35:34-06:00May 21st, 2019|Brand Engagement, Podcast|

Your branding needs to be an extension of your product. It must be memorable and install trust and confidence. It should stand out on a store shelf, be recognizable from a distance and be able to sell itself even in the absence of good copy. Today's podcast focus is about your [...]

14 02, 2019

SECRETS 113 Tim Forrest With Tim Forrest Consulting, The 9 Essential Pilles Of Sales Success

By |2021-09-27T21:05:20-06:00February 14th, 2019|Brand Engagement, Podcast|

The blueprint to growing a successful brand includes 9 important foundational elements brands cannot afford to overlook. They are the building blocks that help brands get their products onto more retailer shelves and into the hands of more shoppers. Every architect or contractor knows that the strength of any building lies [...]

14 11, 2018

Never underestimate the power of story telling on your packaging

By |2020-08-10T20:51:43-06:00November 14th, 2018|Brand Engagement, Tip Of The Week|

Your packaging is the first thing shoppers see. It is the first impression they have of your brand. You’ve heard me say that “you never get a second opportunity to disappoint a customer”. Your packaging needs to stand out against competitors, it needs to tell a compelling story about your brand that resonates with [...]

12 11, 2018

Packaging that will get a product purchased

By |2019-03-22T18:48:30-06:00November 12th, 2018|Brand Engagement|

Packaging is the face of your brand. Not only does it identify your product on the shelf, but also tells the consumer a lot about the product inside. Your packaging should clearly communicate everything you want your brand to represent: quality, health, integrity, uniqueness, etc. Packaging can do a lot more for your brand than [...]

17 10, 2018

Maximize each and every selling opportunity – never miss an opportunity to put your best foot forward

By |2020-08-10T20:53:02-06:00October 17th, 2018|Brand Engagement, Tip Of The Week|

Most promotional spending is wasted or ineffective. The goal of every promotion should be to introduce your product to new customers. Current strategies do little to drive sustainable growth. Brands need to do more than “rinse and repeat” previous promotions to stand out in a crowded category.  Trade spending includes everything needed to get [...]

16 10, 2018

SECRETS 92 David Benzaquen With Plant Based Solutions & Ocean Hugger Foods, What’s Behind The Hottest Trend In Retail

By |2021-09-27T20:10:34-06:00October 16th, 2018|Brand Engagement, Podcast|

Plant based foods are driving sustainable sales growth across almost every category. Consumers are looking for healthy alternatives to their favorite foods and plant based brands are filling that void. The purpose of today's story is to share with you the hottest trend in all of retail and dispel the many [...]

2 09, 2018

Build brand health by networking at trade shows and industry events

By |2019-03-22T19:30:40-06:00September 2nd, 2018|Brand Engagement|

Brand health is the strength of your brand.  It’s calculated by the amount of trust and confidence consumers have in it.  It’s measured by your distribution and your sales - your ACV (all commodity volume).  Effectively it's what you take to the bank.  Tradeshows and industry events that align brands with retailers can help [...]

1 08, 2018

Innovation is the key to growth

By |2020-08-10T20:55:30-06:00August 1st, 2018|Brand Engagement, Tip Of The Week|

Innovation is the key to every brand’s success BUT there is a night-and-day difference between innovation in mainstream and natural. This is because true natural product innovation is what's responsible for the sustainable growth across all categories. It sets you apart from your mainstream competitors because natural brands have a more intimate relationship with [...]

30 07, 2018

The natural channel, innovation that focuses on real consumers

By |2019-03-22T19:51:24-06:00July 30th, 2018|Brand Engagement|

New healthy focused product innovation is the fuel that's growing natural product sales. The natural channel is the R&D of the entire healthy better-for-you industry.  This is because natural brands and retailers have a close personal relationship with their core shoppers. Thousands of new products are launched every year with most of them failing.  I’ve [...]



Promotion Efficiency Calculator - How effective is your trade spending?

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What could you do with the additional $$,$$$?

Now, let’s give you the tools and resources to make this a reality!

Promotion Analysis Tool Lite (Trade Promotion ROI Calculator)

Event Detail

Trade Spending



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