Over 80% of natural brands fail within the first year – I’m committed to changing this. There are a lot of “experts” offering advice that lack the creativity your brand needs to differentiate itself. As a brand owner, you need to keep your hand firmly on the rudder of your ship. You should never blindly trust an expert's brand strategy that does not fully align with your mission and goals. Skipping this critical step can send you adrift at sea and even swamp your dreams.    

Knowledge is power. I believe that you need know the right questions to ask when interviewing experts to help grow your brand – the primary purpose of my content, podcast, and courses. Getting a second opinion is always a good idea for your personal health as well as your brand health.

Every expert has their own style and their advice usually comes from what they know and what they are comfortable with. For example: If you go to a surgeon, he will want to operate. If you go to a doctor who trusts pharmaceuticals, he will give you a prescription for what ails you. If you go to a holistic practitioner, he will use a different strategy to heal you. 

The point is that you need to know the right questions to ask and you need to identify the best expert to help grow your brand. The right expert for your brand may be very different from the recommendations you receive. In today’s podcast; SECRETS 132 Choosing The Wrong “Expert” Jeopardizes Your Brand With Jeff Schmidgall From Bubba's Fine Foods we talk about this in-depth. In this situation the expert focused more on filling their needs rather than finding out what the brand needed. The result was that the  expert most likely made huge commissions at the expense of the brand's future while diluting their ability to support its current customers.   

This is one of the biggest pain points emerging brands share with me. You learn how to raise money but you are not taught the best strategies to grow sustainable sales with it and yet your survival depends on exactly on this. 

Your ability to effectively drive sales, manages costs, get your product onto the right store shelves, and choose the best promotional vehicles to grow your brand will determine how long you will be around; a month, a year, a decade, or longer. This needs to be a priority for every brand and that includes surrounding yourself with the right experts to guide and direct you. This is the sole purpose of my contentto get your products onto more store shelves and into the hands of more shoppers. 

Empowering Brands | Raising The Bar

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