Plant-based is perhaps THE fastest growing segment in natural. It is also one of the more confusing segments from the shopper's perspective. So, how do you leverage the strength of this growing trend to maximize category sales, increase shopper traffic in your store, and compete more effectively against mainstream threats?  

There is a lot of confusion when it comes to how to merchandise plant-based products. For example, is it meat or is it something else? Or, how do you get milk from a nut? 

Plant-based products offer a wide array of alternative solutions that can help reduce stomach upset, joint inflammation, brain fog, and much more.

Lets first focus on the basics. What is the promise of the plant-based products you sell – from the shopper's perspective? This is where EVERY merchandizing conversation should start. What is the specific objective of the plant-based shopper and how do you meet their needs?  

There are essentially three different kinds of plant-based shoppers; 1) those who already know the benefits of a plant-based diet, 2) those who choose to augment their diet by occasionally substituting with plant-based products and 3) those who want to experiment or learn more about plant-based foods. While the first group most likely has a good foundational understanding of plant-based eating, the other two groups should be your primary focus when developing an effective merchandising strategy. In other words, a solid strategy that makes it easy for new shoppers to find and purchase the products they want will benefit all of your shoppers.  

Click here to read the rest of the article on Whole Foods Magazine

Read the print version of the article in the April edition

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