Consumers today are digitally connected to everything that is important to them.  This changes the way they shop at traditional brick-and-mortar retailers, for brands they like, and how they interact with those retailers.  Digital strategies need to provide quality personal customer service.

Consumers are adopting new technologies faster and are typically more technology savvy than most retailers and brands. Most companies are typically several years behind in both hardware and software while shoppers enjoy the newest and best technology always available at their fingertips through their tablets and smartphones. There is a trend for consumers to go 100% digital when it comes to their shopping lists, the way they network, the way they research products and retailers, and the way they communicate with their peers.

Shoppers are also changing retail to meet their needs, from stores that never close to interactive shopping experiences. Traditional brick-and-mortar stores will always play a pivotal role in retail, but they're faced with increasing competition from online options.

In our fast-paced world, consumers will typically choose convenience over price any day the week. More importantly, the selection for online retailers are seemingly endless. While shopping, apps trigger impulse shopping by providing automatic coupons, content, and product advertisements when a shopper enters a store. Many shoppers today engage in web-browsing to research product options online via mobile or at the retailer’s shelf before making a purchase.

These trends are expected to accelerate as digital natives come of age. Digital natives are consumers who grew up with the technology in their hands from infancy. In most instances, digital natives are unaware of many of the things their parents grew up with like VHS tapes, in-store video rentals, pay phones, printed newspapers, etc. Everything is at their fingertips and available to them 24/7. Waiting has been replaced by instant gratification.

Digital marketing is creating a frictionless society

Purchasing and paying for goods and services is as easy as swiping your phone at check out – or even your watch. Shoppers no longer need to carry cash, credit cards, change, and multiple forms of ID. Everything is secure and available on our mobile devices.

Retailers and brands wanting to take a leadership role need to focus on improving the overall customer experience, including the way shoppers interact with them online. The companies that excel here will create loyal shoppers happy to share their experiences with friends and family through social media, blogs, and forums.

Traditional brick-and-mortar retailers who provide quality personal customer service have a distinct competitive advantage. They provide an experience shoppers cannot get online – with the personal touch. This is something no online retailer can replicate. Shoppers want to feel special, respected, nurtured, and be relevant. There is a huge difference between a live person who helps the shopper explore and discover the best possible solution for their needs than a series of drop-down menus or autoresponders. Retailers wanting a significant competitive advantage, need to put the shopper first – always!

Want A Competitive Edge?  The Recipe For Success

New product innovation is the lifeblood of every brand. New products fuel sustainable growth, attract new shoppers and increase brand awareness. Know the critical steps to get your product on more retailer’s shelves and into the hands of more shoppers.

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