Let Me Be Your Sherpa!

Need Strategic Solutions To Grow Your Brand?

This short guide levels the playing field between small brands and their more sophisticated competitors. It highlights the advanced strategies the big brands use called Category Management – what retailers REALLY want. 

Want The Top 10 Strategies To Build Sustainable Sales And Profits?

Nothing happens until someone buys your product and shoppers can’t buy what they can’t find. The path to sustainable sales and getting your product onto more retailers shelves and into the hands of more shoppers.

Want A Retail Math Cheat Sheet?

Each of us needs to perform basic retail math calculations but it’s not always possible to remember every formula, especially if you don’t use them on a regular basis. Here’s a quick cheat sheet with some of the most important formulas you need to know.

Want The Most Effective Tool To Maximize Retail Execution?

Scorecards are powerful goal setting tools. You’ve probably heard that “what gets measured gets done”. Scorecards map out objectives in bite-size manageable chunks that keep you on-track and focused. They’re what you need to succeed. 

Want To Grow Sales and Shopper Loyalty?

Real shopper loyalty is earned not found on plastic cards. Your brand’s real strength is its ability to convert casual customers into brand ambassadors.

Want To Maximize Sales With The Right Product Assortment Strategies?

Ensure that shoppers can easily find your brand on a crowded shelf. Effective strategies to increase shopper engagement and drive sales.

Want 8 Proven Strategies To Maximize Trade Marketing ROI?

Most promotional spending is ineffective and wasted. Effective promotions expand runway, grow sustainable sales & maximize your promotional ROI.

Want 11 Key Strategies To Increase Market Basket Size?

Your market basket includes all items shoppers purchase on each shopping trip. Health-conscious shoppers spend more than regular shoppers. Learn how to leverage the importance of your shopper to drive sustainable sales and increase shopper loyalty. 

Want To Boost Shopper Loyalty?

Real shopper loyalty is not something that can be purchased through promotions or embossed on a plastic card. It is earned by consistently delivering exceptional value, trust, and loyalty. Learn how to gain a substantial competitive advantage by focusing on your loyal shoppers. 

Want Simple Strategies To Maximize Merchandising Effectiveness?

Consumers want and appreciate brands and retailers who make shopping easy, convenient, and save them time. Learn strategies to help retailers drive sales with your brand. 

Want Simple Solutions To Maximize Broker Effectiveness?

Brokers are an extension of your sales team. Help them succeed through accountability to maximize sales, increase distribution & accelerate growth.

What is Category Management And Why It’s So Important?

The great equalizer between small and large brands.  Learn how it has evolved and the advanced strategies that retailers really want and need from you and your brand.

Want A Competitive Edge?  The Recipe For Success

New product innovation is the lifeblood of every brand. New products fuel sustainable growth, attract new shoppers and increase brand awareness. Know the critical steps to get your product on more retailer’s shelves and into the hands of more shoppers.

Want To Know How To Get On More Store Shelves?

Getting your products onto store shelves is critical to your success – even online stores. There is an easier way to grow sales and profits that can also save you valuable time and money. Knowing this simple strategy can explode sales and give you a substantial and sustainable competitive advantage. 

Stop Wasting Money! Want To Know How?

Trade marketing includes everything required to promote your brand. It’s your growth engine and the largest item on your P&L. Most trade spending is wasted. Every brand seeks to maximize their promotional ROI. There is a better way to grow sales & profits.

Want Strategies To Compete In A Pandemic?

The world changed dramatically, almost overnight. A lot of brands are struggling as a result. You are not alone! These simple strategies will help keep you focused on the “why”, why your brand matters to your customers. This is the sturdy foundation your brand was built on.

Want Sustainable Sales Growth?

What if there was a tool that specifically identified your key opportunities to eliminate wasted promotional spending? Brands are looking for ways to cut wasteful spending while also looking for creative ways to explode sales during these uncertain times. Traditional strategies will only hamstring your brand and undercut your growth strategy. Every slight improvement means more runway for sales growth, higher brand valuations, better terms when negotiating with investors and retailers, fuel for more innovation, greater support for mission-based causes, and more.

Want Flawless Promotions? 

Promotions are the lifeblood of your brand. They increase sales, introduce your amazing products to future customers and help drive shoppers into the category. Shoppers expect them and retailers demand them. Most promotions are expensive and most do little if anything to grow sustainable sales and therefore are ineffective. So, how do we change that? Start with Optimizing Your Trade Promotion ROI with this simple cheatsheet.  

Wish You Had  Blueprint To Maximize Your Promotion ROI?

Now You Do!

Trade marketing includes everything required to promote your brand. It’s your growth engine and the largest item on your P&L. Most trade spending is wasted. Every brand seeks to maximize their promotional ROI. There is a better way to grow sustainable sales and profits.

Wish You Knew The Advanced Strategies Big Brands Rely On?

True Category Management is the art and the science of getting your products onto more store shelves and into the hands of more shoppers, including on-line. It includes the advanced strategies that the big brands and big retailers rely on.

Wish You Knew The Simple Strategy To Reduce Wasted Promotional Spending?

Deductions are a huge drain on your finances. Not all are valid. They can derail and even bankrupt your brand placing a huge burden on your cash flow while negatively impacting all aspects of your business. 

Every slight improvement means more runway for sales growth, higher brand valuations, better terms when negotiating with investors, fuel for more innovation, greater support for mission-based causes, and more!

Wish You Could Easily Convert Occasional Customers Into Loyal Shoppers?

Stop working to reacquire the same customer as most brands – why promotions are expensive & ineffective. There is a better way to boost shopper engagement & grow sales. It begins with building a connected community – future proof your brand & get an edge. 

Want To Future-Proof Your Brand? Start With Trust And Transparency!

Turn shopper trust into sustainable sales. Shoppers want quality products they can trust. Brands adopting these characteristics as early adopters have a unique competitive advantage to win over shoppers. Retailers need actionable insights they can not get from your competitions. Learn how to future proof your brand by giving retailers what they REALLY want!

Want More Sales? 30 Days To Prosperity – How To Plan For Success In 2021 And Beyond!

As we transition into 2021 & given how challenging 2020 was, I decided to address the specific questions & challenges listeners sent in. They’re organized into a masterclass, 30 Days To Prosperity. How to confidently grow, scale & get the edge you deserve.

Learn How To Confidently Grow And Scale Your Brand – Give Your Brand The Edge It Deserves!

Knowledge is power – especially in this industry. The easiest way to level the playing field with the biggest most sophisticated brands is to use strategies they overlook, ignore, or that they know about. We teach proven strategies to grow sales and profits for your natural food brand.

The Ultimate Guide To Promotion Success.

FREE Trade Promotion ROI Calculator Instructions

Gain an unfair competitive advantage. Know the key promotional levers that explode sales and profits.  Every slight improvement means more runway for sales growth, higher brand valuations, better terms when negotiating with investors, fuel for more innovation, greater support for mission based causes, and more!

The Free Trade Promotion ROI Calculator can be found at: RetailSolved.com/Promotion-Analysis

Empowering Brands | Raising The Bar

Ever wish you just had a roadmap?  Well, now you do!

Don’t miss out on all of these FREE RESOURCES (strategic downloadable guides, podcast episodes, list of questions you need to be asking, and know the answers to, the weekly newsletter, articles, and tips of the week.  You will also receive access to quick and easy online courses that teach you how to get your brand on the shelf, expand distribution, understand what retailers REALLY want, and address your most pressing challenges and questions.

All tools that you can use, AT NO CHARGE TO YOU, to save you valuable time and money and grow your sales today!

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