Knowing is power. It’s easier and more effective to be proactive than reactive. Insight into industry and market trends can give brands and retailers a significant competitive advantage. Leverage experts who provide a clear view into what to focus on

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Knowing is power. It’s easier and more effective to be proactive than reactive. Insight into industry and market trends can give brands and retailers a significant competitive advantage. Leverage experts who provide a clear view into what to focus on.

Welcome. This podcast is about for and it's for you. At the heart of that, I'm always looking to share insights about the industry with you, insights that are going to help give you a competitive advantage. Think about it. How often do we get so laser-focused on what we're doing that we forget to look around, that we're not paying attention to what's going on in the industry outside of our own backyard? Being able to understand and being able to use those insights, those trends can help us gain a significant competitive advantage. Being able to look into other markets, being able to understand what other retailers or other brands are doing in your category is crucial to your being able to compete effectively. This is what today's show is about.

Today's show is leveraging insights that you can get from experts in the industry. The expert that is reporting on those trends, those key trends that impact you. At the very least, understanding what these trends are can help prepare you as you begin to work with retailers. The more that you can help retailers understand what's going on in their backyard, the more impactful you're going to be. Every brand should strive to be the go-to resource that retailers look to. That retailers trust when they're looking to understand what's going on in the category, what things should they be paying attention to. That's what today's show is about.

On today's episode, we're going to talk to an expert who's been covering the industry for a lot of years. Someone who pays attention to the grocery industry, not only from the perspective of Wall Street but also from main-street. Those retailers that impact you and your ability to get your product onto more store shelves and into the hands of more shoppers.

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