The foundation of your brand and your ability to provide exceptional value all hinges on how well you know exactly who your core shopper is. That is the focus of this week's podcast with Ethan Hirshberg of Ethan’s. Don't miss this one!  SECRETS 129 Knowing Your Core Customer Is Critical To Your Success At Retail With Ethan Hirshberg From Ethan’s

One of the things that makes natural natural is that we have a more intimate connection with the people who buy our products compared to mainstream brands. Imagine how it would impact our sales if we were able to get to know them even better.

It’s rare when I run into a brand that has a clear understanding of exactly who their ideal customer truly is – even the big brands. This is not a dig on on brands.  This is a wakeup call and should be viewed as an opportunity for us to serve our customers at an even higher level. 

The better we know who our core customer is, the better we can serve them. This is how you convert occasional customers to loyal evangelists. This is how you gain a significant and substantial competitive advantage in any economy across any channel. This is how you build a healthy foundation to erect your brand on, maximize your trade marketing ROI, and go from being just another package on a retailer's shelf to a category leader. 

We need to stop trying to play the pricing game. This is where everyone loses. We need to focus on the quality and the value we offer in our products. Shoppers want products they can know, like, and trust. Shoppers will gladly pay a premium for products that deliver consistent uncompromising quality and value. 

Focusing on this will also help our retail partners remain relevant helping them compete more effectively including against online threats. 

Think about it. You did not get into this business to deliver cheap versions of other products already on the market. You got into this industry to make a difference. Price only became a consideration AFTER you launched your brand. 

Want A Competitive Edge?  The Recipe For Success

New product innovation is the lifeblood of every brand. New products fuel sustainable growth, attract new shoppers and increase brand awareness. Know the critical steps to get your product on more retailer’s shelves and into the hands of more shoppers.

Empowering Brands | Raising The Bar

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