12 06, 2016

Natural organic products are fueling sustainable growth in center store

By |2019-03-24T20:46:24-06:00June 12th, 2016|Category Leadership|

Natural organic products are breathing renewed life into center store. They're driving sustainable sales in almost every category as consumers continue to look for healthier alternatives throughout the entire store. The notion that center store should be avoided due to all of the preservatives, artificial colors, chemicals and hard to pronounce additives is no [...]

8 05, 2016

Improve organic product assortment, integration in store to reach beyond core natural shoppers

By |2019-03-24T21:05:42-06:00May 8th, 2016|Sales Story Optimization, Video|

Click here to view: Food Navigator Interview,  2016 Healthy And Natural Show

16 03, 2016

How Relevant are Natural and Organic Products at Retail?

By |2019-03-24T21:19:08-06:00March 16th, 2016|Sales Funnel Magnification|

They drive sustainable sales! There’s a lot of talk about the importance of natural and organic products, their growth trends, and the increased pressure consumers are placing on retailers to sell healthier products they can trust. Retailers have a fixed amount of shelf space, with an overabundance of brands competing for their attention. To [...]

20 01, 2016

8 Steps To Mastering True Category Management

By |2019-03-25T10:10:35-06:00January 20th, 2016|Category Leadership|

True category management is the great equalizer between small brands and their more sophisticated competitors. Mastering these skills will give your brand a significant sustainable competitive advantage. Aligning your process with retailers' category management strategy will help you stand out in their eyes and establish you as a true partner and potentially, the category captain. Category [...]

13 01, 2016

What Is Category Management and Why Is It Important

By |2019-03-25T10:14:00-06:00January 13th, 2016|Category Leadership|

Brands have (and continue to struggle with) the challenge of putting their products on retailer shelves and getting them into the hands of loyal consumers. When I started in this industry, well before the invention of category management, brands relied on retailer relationship management to grow sales. The process included giving retailers incentives and [...]

1 12, 2015

Natural products sales trends and how to capitalize on them

By |2019-03-25T10:18:58-06:00December 1st, 2015|Category Leadership|

December 1, 2015,  By Daniel Lohman, CPSA Progressive Grocer - 2016 Category Management Handbook p20-21 Natural product sales continue to dramatically outpace their conventional (mainstream) counterparts. This is true in most every channel and every category. Americans today are focused on and constantly looking for healthier solutions to improve their lives. The old adage [...]

24 08, 2015

Growing Center Store Sales With Natural Organic

By |2019-03-25T11:16:54-06:00August 24th, 2015|Sales/Profit Growth, Video|

Natural, Organic and Specialty/Gourmet Foods suppliers will present new programs to retailers across all retail channels and foodservice buyers from Retail, Restaurants, Hotels, and Food Service Outlets Category Management Solutions' Dan Lohman on the Importance of Retailer-Supplier Collaboration Supplier Showcase: Category Management Solutions (Daniel Lohman, CPSA) The Importance [...]

30 04, 2013

8 steps to mastering category management

By |2019-02-02T11:26:49-07:00April 30th, 2013|Category Leadership|

By Daniel Lohman, CPSA I wrote this article for New Hope several years ago. I have the original submission should you have any questions. Category management is typically an eight-step process. The best solution for your business is the one that encompasses all of the strategies needed to make your brand successful. The process [...]


Promotion Efficiency Calculator - How effective is your trade spending?

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