You listen to the Retail Solved podcast because you are tired of giving away margin while commoditizing your brand. Ready to take your sales and profits to the next level and beyond? Let’s start the show.

The fundamental problem the retail solved podcast strives to resolve is how to maximize the value of your brand. I believe that CEOs should not be perpetual fundraisers and I believe that shoppers want to support those brands that add value and do good on our behalf - for example, mission-based brands. So how do we do that?

We change the conversation from how low can you price your brand to how you fuel incremental profits and sustainable category growth. We highlight how and why shoppers value your brand over others. We look to experts who have a proven track record.

Would you like to know the secrets icons like Tony Robbins, Chet Holmes, and Russ Whitney use to build their brands? Today’s special guest served as an independent president of sales and training for companies of Tony Robbins, Chet Holmes, and Russ Whitney. He teaches companies how to accelerate your sales, profits, and growth.

So why does this matter? Nothing happens until someone sells something. This can be as simple as selling a point of view or your preference for a particular restaurant tonight.

Selling in its most simplest form is a transfer of enthusiasm. The focus of today’s episode is on the incremental value your idea or product provides. The result is more money to fuel innovation and support mission-based causes, better valuations with investors, and making it easier for retailers to say YES to your recommendations.

This show is about you and it’s for you.
Before we go any further I want to remind you that there is a free downloadable guide at the end of every podcast episode. I always include one easy-to-download, quick-to-digest strategy that you can instantly adopt and make your own - one that you can use to grow sustainable sales and compete more effectively. Take the 30 Days To Prosperity challenge to take your brand to the next level and beyond. It’s a free on-demand foundational mini-course to give you the competitive edge you deserve. Go to to get started today.

If you like the show please share it with a friend and subscribe. Help me raise the bar in natural.

Here’s today's episode

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Want More Sales? 30 Days To Prosperity – How To Plan For Success In 2021 And Beyond!

As we transition into 2021 & given how challenging 2020 was, I decided to address the specific questions & challenges listeners sent in. They’re organized into a masterclass, 30 Days To Prosperity. How to confidently grow, scale & get the edge you deserve.

Empowering Brands | Raising The Bar

Ever wish you just had a roadmap?  Well, now you do!

Don’t miss out on all of these FREE RESOURCES (strategic downloadable guides, podcast episodes, list of questions you need to be asking, and know the answers to, the weekly newsletter, articles, and tips of the week.  You will also receive access to quick and easy online courses that teach you how to get your brand on the shelf, expand distribution, understand what retailers REALLY want, and address your most pressing challenges and questions.

All tools that you can use, AT NO CHARGE TO YOU, to save you valuable time and money and grow your sales today!

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