It is nearly impossible to be an expert in every area of your business. Professional consultants are a great way to fill in the gaps and add value. They can evaluate and assess your strategies to help you fill any gaps and identify things you may have overlooked.  They can also provide a fresh set of eyes and a new point of view which can help you get out of a rut and focus your efforts in a way to help you exponentially grow your brand.  You can also take advantage of top talent without the burden of adding additional headcount saving you a lot of money.  As a part-time resource, you have access to high caliber support that you probably could not afford otherwise.

What should you look for in a professional consultant? How do you choose the best resource for you?   How do you know you are getting what you paid for?

These are all excellent questions that deserve an honest answer. There are good consultants and bad consultants, similar to any other profession.  In addition, some brokers and distributors offer similar services but are they equal? A talented consultant can be worth their weight in gold!

Consider this.  You have a favorite doctor who is great at patching you up after you fall down but that does not mean that he can also perform brain surgery.  Similarly, a broker who also offers category management support may not specialize in the advanced strategies and best practices the top CPG companies use. This is where you get what you pay for.  If you do things on the “cheap” you can not expect to compete head-to-head with the top CPG companies. Hiring the wrong expert can actually cost you in the long run.  You would never consider having brain surgery in a third-rate clinic that is filthy. The same should be true for your brand.

What questions do you need to ask before hiring a consultant? 

First, you need to identify the problem you are trying to solve or are you simply wanting a fresh perspective or review of your business.  The answer to this question will help you find the best resource. Never be afraid of getting a second opinion either.

Once you identify what your needs are, begin asking around. Reputation is key.  Quality consultants will have a great reputation because their work should speak for itself.  This is different than paying to be on the first page of a Google ranking.  Who is making a sustainable positive impact on the clients they serve?   Do they have a good reputation and background in the industry, a stellar resume in the industry, a strong foundation working with a variety of clients, and a lot of quality testimonials?

Next, interview them and discuss your needs with them.  Don’t hold anything back.  Give them an honest opportunity to understand your business, your needs, and your objectives.  Listen carefully to their answers and their recommended course of action.  Does this make good sense to you and do they understand your needs?  A good consultant will ask a lot of questions and not try to sell you a “canned off the shelf” solution, the same solution they sell to everyone who comes through their doors.

When I first started out, the support I offered was similar to my competitors.  Now that I've been doing this for a long time my consulting is very customized.  This is how I differentiate myself from other consultants and solution providers.  Expect the same from top experts in the industry.  The recurring theme throughout all of my articles is that the sustainable advantage for any brand is tied to how closely they focus on their core customers needs. As a result, I can usually deliver a much higher ROI than my clients expected.

Once you choose a consultant, you then need to decide how to work together.  Will they work well with you and your team?  How flexible are they? Let them guide you but make certain that they are a good fit.

What's the bottom line?  If you want a significant competitive advantage and to be the captain of your own ship, then you need to hire the best resources, people, and consultants. They will help you reach and exceed your goals.

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