Your packaging strategy should be integrated into your brand strategy. Most brands overlook some of the most important ways that packaging can help you stand out on a crowded shelf while helping you get your product on more store shelves and into the hands of more shoppers. 

To many brands, packaging is simply the wrapper you place your product in. Sure they know the importance of a compelling message and cool graphics BUT there is so much more your packaging can do for your brand.

First, your packaging needs to be able to sell your brand by itself. It is your most important sales vehicle (salesperson). It needs to be recognizable from a distance and it needs to instantly get customers to know, like, and trust your products. It needs to communicate the promise of consistent unwavering quality. 

Next, your packaging needs to make a statement about your brand. What do you want to be known for? What is your mission? How do you contribute and make a difference in the lives of your shoppers and your community? How does your packaging “speak” to each shopper – how personalized is your messaging? 

Imagine the impact of a product that actually had your name on it? How would it make you feel for a brand to make a product especially for you? While it may be unrealistic for any retailer to carry a product with every conceivable name on it, it is not unreasonable for your local retailer to carry a product celebrating a local event – like the Naturally Boulder Spring Fling (the group's biggest event). 

After that, what are the other ways your packaging can work for you? You are limited only by your imagination. This was the subject of this week's podcast and the newest free mini-course; #16 The Secret Compostable Packaging Strategy Your Brand Needs To Know. In this free mini-course, we discuss specific packaging strategies you can use to increase the ROI and impact from your promotions, personalize your brand message, creatively support your local community and important events, and much more – all while being Earth Digestible. We also talk about compostable packaging, what you need to know, and how you can become a category leader with this innovative technology.     

SECRETS 128  The Secret Compostable Packaging Strategy Your Brand Needs To Know With Kelly Williams From Futamura

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