
Turn your packaging into a profit center. The shocking truth about sustainable packaging. Strategies to grow sales, save time, & money

Your packaging is the first impression that shoppers have of your brand. Is your packaging sustainable and does your messaging and mission resonate with shoppers? Learn how to leverage your packaging strategy to grow sales. Your brand's packaging needs to work hard and it should sell itself. Personalize your brand with your packaging. It should align with your mission and it should be compostable. Wouldn’t it be great if it could also help pay for itself? Learn how!

You will learn:

  • What shoppers want in sustainable packaging
  • Hint: Shoppers overwhelmingly want packaging that does not end up in the landfill. Learn about new technologies that will resonate with your customers
  • 2. Why recycling is a “fool's errand”
  • Fact: Most recycled packaging ends up in the landfill. Recycling is difficult, the technology is expensive, and sustainable packaging is frequently thrown out anyhow due to inefficient sorting methods. Learn why this matters and how you need a better solution for your brand
  • 3. How Earth Digestible ™️ Packaging can help you increase sales WHILE giving shoppers what they want
  • Shoppers are constantly judging you. They want products that align with their values and that includes packaging that does not end up in the landfill. Learn strategies to grow sales with this innovative technology
  • 4. How print on demand packaging can save you a lot of time and money
  • You have a new product BUT you can’t start selling it until you place it in a package. The challenge is that traditional flexible packaging takes up to 6 months to get. What if you could get your products on store shelves right away? You could be selling instantly while competitors pay interest for inventory that collects dust waiting for packaging to arrive. Learn creative strategies to gain a significant competitive advantage with print on demand packaging. Learn how to turn your flexible packaging into a profit center.