Promotions are necessary to build your brand but few result in any measurable longterm sales gains. The power of purpose needs to be included in all of your brand building strategies and especially in your promotional campaigns.

Most brands use the tired “strategy” rinse and repeat – which is not a strategy. You’ve worked hard to develop a product that addresses an unmet need. Your success thus far is largely due to the purpose behind all your efforts. That same commitment to purpose needs to be at the heart of everything you do; gaining new distribution where your shoppers are, targeted promotional strategies that introduce your brand to new shoppers, making shopping for your product easy and convenient, having a compelling selling story that resonates with retailers and shoppers, and much much more. The power of purpose can give you a substantial and sustainable competitive advantage getting your products onto more retailers shelves and into the hands of more shoppers – empowering brands raising the bar.

Empowering Brands | Raising The Bar

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