Do your packaging choices define your brand and what it stands for? It’s the first impression customers have of your brand. You can not afford to make a mistake here!

Your packaging choices define your brand and what it stands for. It's the first impression customers have of your brand. You can not afford to make a mistake here!

You've put your blood, sweat and tears and everything you've got into making a product that's going to revolutionize the category. A product that's going to put your brand on the map, that's going to change the way people think about healthy, nutritious food. 

You spare no expense and you go out of your way to find the best clean label ingredients because nothing's too good for your customers. You want to make sure that they know, like and trust your brand, and that they know that when they buy your brand, they're buying the absolute best products available anywhere. 

Now all you have to do is get your product onto a retail shelf. It doesn't matter whether you sell your products online or in traditional retail. This is something that every brand needs to think about. 

But before you can do that, you've got to put it in a package. You need something that's flexible, that offers consumers the convenience that they want so that they can share and enjoy your product where they want when they want. So now you begin to look high and low for packaging that's sustainable, that aligns with your brand mission.

And now the problem. There aren't a lot of great solutions out there. You want a package that's recyclable because you don't want to contribute to the landfill. But now for the bad news. The sad reality is that most recyclable packaging ends up in the landfill anyhow. But there's a better way. Packaging is one of the most critical aspects of every brand's success. 

Let's face it, your packaging is a representation of your brand. It physically has your name on it.  It's the first impression that customers have about your product. Make sure it's a good one. 

Shoppers today are impatient. We want what we want, and we want it yesterday. Your packaging needs to make it easy and convenient for shoppers to enjoy your product.  

Packaging takes a long time to design, order, and get it before you can place your products in it. This puts a lot of pressure on emerging brands with limited cash flow. On top of that, you are forced to purchase several months of packaging which places an additional burden on your cash flow. Any packaging changes, like a new certification or graphic, and you have to start the process over from scratch.  

Emerging brands need a predictable cash flow but packaging can delay your launch. There is a better way to dramatically reduce the lag time between “I have an idea” to get your products onto store shelves and into the hands of shoppers eager to buy your products.

Listen to podcast episode 116:  SECRETS 116  The shocking truth about sustainable packaging.  Strategies to save time, money and grow sales with Kelly Williams from Futamura

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